
Our great source of inspiration is Jan Nayak Karpoori Thakur. In the light of his teachings we have formulated our goal and mission. Our mission is to work for the educational and cultural emancipation of the youngsters though meaningful and relevant higher education. Our vision binds to the local structures for a creative dialogue on their social and cultural liberation, our main role will be to provide an environment and training context for the students to prepare themselves for active and responsible life commitment for the formation of just society.


To make spiring intelligentsia of gkpd College mentally tough, emotionally strong & intellectually sharp so that they can float quite efficiently and actively in the ever flowing and vast stream of technological advancement.To inculcate a work culture among the student which not only enables them to peform in different competitions with flying colours but also to raise themselves to enviable heights in their career?To develop a problem solving aptitude & an analytical frame of mind.To pursue the endeavour to nurture the young talent.